Gamers Week Podcast
Video games are fun. Video game news should be, too. Join Blue, Ryan, and Donnie as we analyze the week's best, worst, and weirdest gaming headlines. New episodes every Friday!
Gamers Week Podcast
Episode 117 - "Square Enix Reboots, And Awakens" As Profits Drop 70%
In this episode...
--> Square Enix embarking on "aggressive multiplatform strategy" as profits drop 70%
--> EA Considering In-Game Advertising, But Will Take "Thoughtful" Approach
--> The season of game company gaffes continues with NetEase apologizing for a Marvel Rivals preview contract that asked streamers not to make 'subjective negative reviews of the game
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Hosts: donniegretro, retrogamebrews, wrytersview
Opening theme: "Gamers Week Theme" by Akseli Takanen
Patron theme: "Chiptune Boss" by donniegretro
Closing theme: "Gamers Week Full-Length Theme" by Akseli Takanen